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That Blessed Place call Gouyave

That "Gouyave psyche", with its memories that seem to hold a permanent place in the hearts of every Gouyaverian are also etched in the hearts and minds of those Grenadians who had the opportunity of having even a quick sleepover.

For those who are not from Gouyave, it may be difficult to understand the calling of her ghosts when she reaches out to lay claim to her spirits; for wherever you may be, whenever you are in your pensive mood of peaceful tranquility, or whenever you are overcome with the feelings of melancholy, Gouyave would come a calling.

And in keeping true to her “tormentous” and incessant appetite for her victims, Gouyave does not discriminate between those who are holding of her birthright from others who have inherited her possessive attributes; for it is said that once Gouyave gets a hold of your body, you will inevitably surrender you mind to her and she will possess your soul forever.

Two of my friends (PI and Tatoes) and countless others can attest to this as we too understand the extraterrestrial power of Gouyave and how we have become victims to her every command. We know we cannot escape and must! pay homage to her despite our years of separation.

Gouyave reaches out with her tentacles and plucks her children from countries all over the world. For the stubborn ones who try to resist her when she calls, she waits and repeatedly attacks their subconscious until they surrender themselves to her. You cannot escape, you are indebted to her, she knows your weaknesses and will use them against you if you try to resist.

So it is for these reasons why her children must feel so humble and throw themselves to her feet and protect and honor her, vigorously and vociferously and fight to the death(not literally) to protect her.

Gouyave is home but Gouyave is everywhere.

You can find Gouyave in Japan and China, in Taiwan, India and Indonesia because her children had placed her there; if you asked “PI”, Gerald Wilson (AKA Ba-ba) and Michael Passee of Edward Street, they will confirm that the spirit of Gouyave is indeed over there.

You can find Gouyave in the Mother Land of Africa if you would just follow the directions given to you by Cathleen Peters from Hills View or Monica, Miss Loti form Victoria Street, they know just how to find her.

You can find Gouyave in just about every state in the United States and England, our home away from home.

Gouyave exists in the town of Fulda in the state of Hessen in West Germany; in Frankfurt on the streets of Langer-strasser; In Munich and Dresden and Keiserlautern and on the Berlin Wall that had separated Communist East from Democratic West, for it was there that I, Gouyaveman had engraved her name and blessed that wall with her spirit.

And if one was to call on the higher spirits of Gouyave, one would find that on the battlefields of Germany during World War II, she had placed one of her children, Mr. Bernadine (AKA Ole German) who was there fighting to repel the advancement of Adolph Hitler and his Third Reich.