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Land of the Charlotte River

You lay majestically in the west between mountains and sea.

You are the land of the Charlotte River.

The sun sets upon you like a caring mother in the night.

Comforting the land of the Charlotte River.

You are the heart and soul of your people wherever they may be.

Reflecting the land of the Charlotte River.

Brash, bold, ready for the fight.

The character of the people of the land of the Charlotte River.

A jewel hatched from the Caribbean Sea, the core of a Caribbean gem.

This is the substance of the land of the Charlotte River.

Misunderstood by many, disliked as well.

These are the trials of the land of the Charlotte River.

Security is within your realm.

Vigilant for your subjects oh land of the Charlotte River.

Wherever they go, they will always have a great story to tell.

Because they are from the land of the Charlotte River.

I love and adore you forever and ever and wherever I am,

my heart will always be in the land of the Charlotte River.