Louie Barry also known as “Teacher Louie”
Louie Barry also known as “Teacher Louie” of Chantimelle, St. Patrick, passed away on Monday 3rd February, 2025 at the age of 81
She was the mother of: Leslie, Leslyn, Nella and Nell, Stepmother of: Hilarie and Alroy in the USA, Grandmother of: 16, Great grandmother of: 3
Sister of: Jessme Simon in the UK, Mother-in-law of: Cecil Frederick, Aunt of: Sherma and Devon Paul, Jude Charles, Leon Mitchell, Kenson Chalres and Edwin Langaigne, Niece of: Mary Alexander, Care givers: Tonia Regis and Annette Lewis
Many cousins, other relatives and close friends including: Ronald Andall and family, Ursula Newton and family, Claudius Andall and family, Gladys Alexis and family, Crofton Belfon and family, Desmond Alexander and family, Oslyn Crosby and family, the Lewis family of Concord, Reverend Father Edward Mark, Dr. Daniel Thomas, Stephen Phillip, Kurt James, Merril Logie, Nikki Sylvester, Magdalene James, Staff of Dorcas Northern Clinic, The Barry family throughout Grenada, Andall family of Chantimelle, Union, La Fortune and Levera friends and neighbours of Chantimelle and surrounding areas
Funeral Service on Thursday 20th February, 2025 at 1:00 pm at the St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic, Entombment at Marli Cemetery
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