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Irica Angelina Jackson also known as “Cars”

Irica Angelina Jackson also known as “Cars” of Hope, La Potrie, St. Andrew, passed away on Monday 22nd April, 2024 at the age of 88

She was the mother of: Jocelyn Rogers Nero, Larel, Lorna, Donna, Delon, Verna, Otha, Adolph, Patrina and Connie, Grand mother of 67 including: Herman Jackson, Nurlin, Donyka, Nickey, Kenneth, Alisha Jackson, Metaline Rogers Perrotte, Monda, Daniel and Gillian, Great grand mother of: 102, Great great grand mother of: 89

Sister of: Gracelyn, Josephine,, Aunt of many including: Sherry-ann, Lenson and Orvin, Sister in law of: Jacelyn, Mother in law of many including: Frankie Moore, Benedict Clarke and Callister Nero

Many Cousins other relatives and close friends including: The Rogers, Peters and Cameron families. Friends of Carriacou, Mt. Horne, Marquis and Mt. Fann, .

Funeral service on Thursday 23rd May, 2024 at 1:00 pm at the Marquis Pentecostal Church, St. Andrew, Internment at the Family Cemetery