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Judith Thomas also known as “Elsa"

Judith Thomas also known as “Elsa" of La Fillette, St. Andrew, passed away on Monday 20th January, 2025 in the UK at the age of 82

She was the wife of: George Thomas aka “Cainroy”, Mother of: Kenrick, Leroy, Carol & Jennise in the UK, Grandmother of: Kayleigh, Niall and Rianna, Great Grandmother of: Niaya

Sister of: Norma, Yvonne, Glenda, Shervon and Keith in the USA and Trevor in Trinidad

Mother-in-law of: Graham and Lorna in the UK Sister-in-law of: Evadney, Anne in Grenada, Julie in Canda and Errol & Verndell in USA

Aunt of many including: Grace, Donna, and Andre in the UK, Bradie, Lister and Seth in Grenada, Neslin in Canada, Devon and Darian in USA, God Mother to: Kayla in Grenada, Derek and Otis in the UK

Other relatives and close friends including: Eunice, Hannah, Yvonne, Leslie, Flora, Audrey, Gladys, Doril, Yvonne, Lolita, Olive, Pat and, Joachim in the UK, Alice, Jenny, Linda, Ford and Barba in Grenada, Andrew and Verna in the USA and many others

Funeral Service on Friday 21st February, 2024 at 12:00 pm (UK time) in the United Kingdom

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