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Franklin Benjamin also known as “Andy Benjamin”

Franklin Benjamin also known as “Andy Benjamin” of Mt. Granby, St. John Departed this life on Saturday 1st March, 2025 at the age of 79

He was the Husband of: Fannella Hosten-Benjamin Father of: Stephanie Bascombe, Dick James, 458 Sgt. Randy Hosten, 421 Cpl Ron Hosten and Roxanne Benjamin Grand Father of 7 including: Jiemal Louison

Brother of: Jean St. Louis, Simeon Benjamin and Sheila Thomas in the USA Father in law of: Patrila Hosten, Rhonda Hosten and Frederick Bascombe Brother in law of many including: Sandra Francis and Terry Hosten Uncle of: Alson, Christine and Nicholas

Other relatives and close friends including: Nurse Kelva Phillip, Evans St. John, Yvonne Aquart, Ann Thomas, the Benjamin family of Gouyave Estate, Hosten family of Mt. Granby, members of Mt. Granby SDA Church, friends and neighbours of Mt. Granby St. John

Funeral Service on Wednesday 26th March, 2025 at 1:00 pm at The Seventh-day Adventist Church, Mt. Granby, St. John and Entombment at the Family Cemetery, Mt. Granby

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