Agatha Veronica Daphne Lawrence also known as “Daffo”
Agatha Veronica Daphne Lawrence also known as “Daffo” of Grand Roy and Gouyave, St. John, - Former employee of Gouyave Processing Station and the General Hospital, passed away on Friday 21st February, 2025 at the age of 76
She was the mother of: Cheryl and Stephanie in the USA, Jacqueline, Meryl, Andy and Wayne-dell in Grenada, Grandmother of 14 including: David , Nickisha, Danielle, Delon, Esran, Alana, Anil, Ancel, Arlene, Ronisha, Ronic, Anfernee and Waniah, Great grandmother of: 18
Sister of: Theresa Calliste in Trinidad and Anthea Mc Ewen in Grenada, Niece of: Florence Baptiste, Mother-in-law of: Najuma Checkley, Grand mother-in-law of: Vaniel, Amiela, Jermaine, Shahiba Holder, and Seydmon, Aunt of many including: Alanna, Stephen and Shamia
Many cousin, other relatives & close friends including: Judith and Albert Lawrence, the Holder, Lawrence and Mc Ewen families in Black Bay, Victoria and Grand Roy, Jennifer Francis and family, Chrispin Mc Ewen and family, Marie Chambers and family, Father Hugh Logan and members and the Roman Catholic Church of Grand Roy, Dr. Antoine and the Nurses of Grand Roy Medical Station, the Collins family, Grace Murray and family, Constable Charles attach to the Grand Roy Station, Constable Natalie Jeffery, Joan Paul and family, Abraham family, Auntie May, Joyce Ashton, Miss Christilyn Samuel, Gwendolyn, Josephine Mc Ewen, Gezelle Bhola, friends and neighbours of Victoria, Crochu, Gouyave, Black Bay, Grand Roy, and surrounding areas
Funeral Service on Monday 24th March, 2025 at 1:00 pm at the Grand Roy Roman Catholic Church, St. John, Entombment at the Family Cemetery , Grand Roy
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