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Ann Catherine Bridgeman also known as “Sister Bat and Sister Ann”

Ann Catherine Bridgeman also known as “Sister Bat and Sister Ann” of Byelands, St. Andrew, passed away on Tuesday 4th March, 2025 at the age of 73

She was the wife of: Clement Bridgeman, Mother of: Levan Bridgeman, Grand mother of: Reshenda, Carisha, Quacy and Silla

Sister of: Sheila Andall, Frieda Peters, Predencia Beggs, Ethelbert, Alvan ,David and Peter, Aunt of : Portia and many more to numerous to mention, Sister in law of: Keith Beggs and Sonia Holmes

Many other relatives and friends including: The Bridgeman family of Byelands, Paraclete and Willis, Agnes Lang, Clara Trancaso, Christopher King, Dumant, Frank,William and Charles family of Byelands. Friends and neighbors of Byelands and surrounding areas.

Funeral service on Tuesday 25th March,2025 at 1:00 pm at the Mirabeau SDA Church, St. Andrew, Interment at the Grand Bras Cemetery

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