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Catherine Florence Benjamin also known as “Flo-Joe

Catherine Florence Benjamin also known as “Flo-Joe” of Upper Depradine Street, Gouyave, St. John, passed away on  Wednesday 19th March, 2025 at the age of 83

She was the Mother of: Reginald and Ruby Benjamin, and Griffin Henry, Sister of: Rose Williams and Beryl Victor, Grand Mother of: Zydon, Dejon, Okeema, Unique and Anika Benjamin, Great Grand Mother of: Cailin, Zia, Milah and Raja

Mother in law of: Keevamae Joel-Benjamin, Grand Mother in law of: Nickeva Benjamin

Her care-giver: Yvonne Edwards, Aunt of: many

Other relatives and close friends including: Joyce St. Paul, Ann Ambrose, the Vincent and Joseph families of Gouyave Estate, friends and neighbours of Gouyave, St. John

Funeral Service on Tuesday 25th March, 2025 at 1:30 pm at the St. Peter’s Catholic Church, Gouyave, St. John and interment at the Dougladston Cemetery



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