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Celia Kathleen LaTouche Peters

Celia Kathleen LaTouche Peters of New Street, Gouyave, St. John, passed away on Wednesday 4th October, 2023 at the age of 72

She was the Mother of: Hilary Peters, Grandmother of: Rhesa Sylvester, Close Friend of: Kathleen Mitchell, Adoptive Mother to: Carol Ann St. John, Sister of: Wayne Carter

Other relatives and close friends including: George Peters, Greig and Tevin St. John, Sherwyn Mitchel, the Viechweg family, Peters family of Gouyave Estate, Fereira and Noel family, LaTouche family of St. Paul’s and the Morgan family of Tempe. nieces and nephews. The management and staff of Hills View Home, Sister Louise of St. Rose Secondary School, Ms. Millie and June Thomas

Funeral Service on Tuesday 31st October 2023 at 2:00 pm at the St. Peter’s Roman Catholic Church, St. John, Internment at Dougaldston Cemetery