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Ella Patrice

Ella Patrice of Windward, Carriacou, passed away on Thursday 23rd November, 2023 at the age of 82

Mother of: Alston, Hansel and Danly Patrice and Gloria Bethel, Grand mother of: Mikey, Derman, Hanisha, Mikael, Raulan, Kezia, Esther, Donlyn, Danrick and Niola, Great grand mother of: Zachary, Thierry, Hannah, Makai and Yshtar

Sister of: Timothy, Aaron, Delbut and Rita all residing in Bequia, Mother in law of: Davis Bethel and Gemma Patrice, Aunt of: Many too numerous to mention, Close friends of: Valarie and Ann Mc Lawrence,Wilma Mc Quilkin, Denise Mc Farlane and Anslem Clouden

Other relatives and friends: Patrice families, Forde and Compton families of Paget Farm Bequia Ollivierre families, Kenny Kidd, Crissie Stewart, Fleary, Stowe and Bynoe families in Bequia friends and neighbours of Windward and surrunding areas too numerous too mention

Funeral Service on Thursday 28th December, 2023 at 1.00pm at the Thy Kingdom Come Deliverance Santuary Brunswick, Carriacou, Internment at the La Pelle Cemetery