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Mary Theresa Gaye

Mary Theresa Gaye of Coast Guard who resided at Diamond, St. Mark, passed away on Monday 8th January, 2024 at the age of 59

She was the Wife of: Bishop Cecil Gaye, Mother of: Nadera also known as Nazarene Lampley, Maurita, Joanna and Jovel Francis, Joannie Degannes, Juanson, Shirbina and Carlita Gaye, Grandmother of: Lilian and Patrick Junior Lampley, Walita, DeMario, Jalon and Jayda Francis, Jovoni George, Jovon Degannes, J’nique and Amalique Gaye

Sister of: Georgina in Trinidad, Mary, Catherine and Edith Jennifer Francis, Milton “Barkey’ Francis, Steven “Bushie” Francis and Mervin “Pergie” Francis, Mother-in-law of: Patrick Lampley and Denhart Degannes, Sister-in-law of: Jude Francis

Aunt of many including: Ronson Charles, Renwick Francis, Anton “Boboy” Francis, Brendon Modeste, Lesliann Dupont, Listra Penny, Samantha and Latonia Francis

Many cousins, other relatives and close friends including the Barry, Francis, Gaye, and Gill families, Ermintrude Peters, Jerry Peters, Gertrude, Dr. Claris Modeste - Cerwen, Gwenny Scott, Joyce James-Lewis, Jenny Flemming, Pastor and Members of the New Upliftment Spiritual Baptist Church & Baptist Community, the New National Party at St. Mark’s Constituency, friends and neighbours of Diamond Estate and surrounding areas

Funeral Service on Monday 22nd January, 2023 at 12:00 noon at Melchizedek Spiritual Baptiste Church, St. Mark, Interment at Coast Guard Cemetery