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Veronica Fletcher also known as “Ms Uranie and Ms Ranie”

Veronica Fletcher also known as “Ms Uranie and Ms Ranie” of Birch Grove, St. Andrew who resided in the USA, passed away on Wednesday 31st January, 2024 in the USA at the age of 95

She was the mother of: Alister Philip in the USA, Bishop George Fletcher in Grenada, Patrice John in Canada, Sonia and Belloc Fletcher in the USA

Sister of: Magdelene, Joseph and Gregory Philip in the USA, Roy Phillip in Canada, Mother in law of: Celia Fletcher, Joan Philip and Michael John, Grandmother of: Pauline Henry, Alyssa Philip, Nicholas & Amari Philip, Nicurl Fletcher-Newton, Nixon, Nillon and Neila Fletcher, Nicholas and Nichole John, Nku, Akim, Howard, Marcus, Luke, Chase and Joshua Fletcher, Great grandmother of: 7

Sister in law of: Margaret, Dawn, Clevina and Thelma Philip, Aunt of many including: Wendy Peters, Brian Forrester, Susan Philip, Janith John, Debbie Mereigh, Jackie Lewis, Pat McIntyre and Nicole Belmar

Many other relatives friends including: The Philip, Peters, Aberdeen, Humphrey and Enoe families of Birch Grove, William and Alice Paul, Catherine Mitchell, Magenet Neptune, the Hall family of Hope Vale, the Copeland family and Jessie Parkes of Morne Jaloux, the St. Hillaire and McQuilkin family of Carriacou and Petite Martinique, friends and neighbours of Birch Grove

Funeral on Friday 23rd February, 2024 in Brooklyn, New York