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Margaret Gwendoline Agatha Thomas also known as “Agatha”

Margaret Gwendoline Agatha Thomas also known as “Agatha” of Bogles, Carriacou, passed away on Thursday 1st February, 2024 at the age of 63

She was the mother of: Kisher, Neisha, Rhonda and Roger, Grand mother of: Qiana, Diana, Doyle, Shemeliah, Ezekiel, Nishawn, Ronica and Donisha

Sister of: Gloria Chadband in Trinidad and Sonia Pascal in Canada, Niece of: Berily Jones in Trinidad, Aunt of: Lorna, Cassandra, Kideisha, Sherrica, Shadell, Nikki, Jamilia, Mitchell, Kingsley, Rickey, Dominique, Kareem, Christopher, Kelly, Fitzroy, Prince and Mc Donald, Mother in law of: Terry Enoe, Mickie Horsford and Nigel Lennard

Other relatives and close friends including: Thomas families, Fleary and Jones families, Joane and family, Roselyn and family in Trinidad friends and neighbours Bogles, Cherry Hill and surrounding areas too numerous to mention

Funeral service on Monday 26th February, 2024 at 1:00 pm at the Hillsborough Seventh Days Adventist Church, Entombment at the Bogles Cemetery