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Kerisha Nelson

Kerisha Nelson of Chantimelle, St. Patrick who resided in Frequente, St. George – an Employee of Skooli online tutoring Company in Barbados, passed away on Sunday 11th February, 2024 at the age of 37

She was the daughter of: Hermine Nelson, George Alexis in the USA, Step-daughgter of: Carl Howell in Barbados

Sister of: Elaina and Aaliyah in the USA, Niece of: Demoth, John, Valentine, Herman Nelson, Mary and Angella in G’da , Peter (PT) and Gracelyn in the USA, Big, Little and Mikey in Trinidad, Grand niece of many

Many other relatives and friends including: Erica, Candace, Sueann, Ashyria, Shanice, Galiann, Zead, Ishmael, Demon, Ashyim, Constable #322 Javin Nelson, Ramon, the Joseph & Jeremiah family of Chantimelle, Leo, Miss Jeremiah, Jesley, Andrea, Jennifer, the Plentie family in Trinidad, the Joseph family in England, Daniel and Lucy Searles, the Ariziah Worship Assembly in Frequente, Mr & Mrs Charles of Calivigny, Mr & Mrs Francois of Mt. Hartman, friends and neighbours of Chantimelle and Frequente

Funeral service on Thursday 29th February, 2024 at 12:30 pm at the Sauteurs Pentecostal Church, St. Patrick and interment at the Marli Cemetery