Gregory Edwards also known as “Mr. Woods”
Gregory Edwards also known as “Mr. Woods” of River Sallee, St. Patrick resided at Paradise Cocoa, St. Andrew, passed away on Sunday 18th August, 2024 at the age of 83
He was the father of: Desmond Daniel also known as “Belly-O”, Dessie Jones, Raymond also known as “Tallest” in Tortola, Linty & Sindy Daniel, Jean Harris in the USA, Lisa King, Sharon George & Rodney Daniel also known as “Bubba” in Trinidad, Grand father of 22 incl.: Cardel, Kendel, Britney, Vondell & Jalicia, Great grand father of 9
Father in law of: Alister Jones & Glen King, Brother in law of: Vitalis Edwards, Uncle of many
Many other relatives and friends including: the Edwards & Daniel families of Rive Sallee, La Poterie & Pearls, Esther Bristol in Canada, Dr. Daniel St. Louis, nurses at Paradise Medical Center, Baylau (Bay-la-ow) Peters, pastor & members of Moyah SDA Church , friends and neighbours of River Sallee & Paradise Cocoa
Funeral Service on Thursday 5th September, 2024 at 2:00 pm at the River Sallee SDA Church, St. Patrick, Interment at the River Sallee Cemetery