Sampson Edwards also known as “Mr. Ben, “Parren Samps” & Daddy”
Sampson Edwards also known as “Mr. Ben, “Parren Samps” & Daddy” of Central Gouyave Estate, St. John, passed away on Monday 17th July, 2023 at the age of 94
He was the father of: Eurice, Rawle and Judith, Rawlings in Canada, Laurie in Guyana, and Paul and Andy in the USA, Adopted father of: Dottica Elias also known as “ Poon”
Grandfather of 24 including: Lou-Ann Jordan, Sharine Julien, Akada Antoine, Carville, Sharnel, Wendel, Jonathan, Raquel and Sky Edwards, Great grandfather of: 19
Brother of: Gordon Edwards, Father-in Law of: Carlyle ‘Soup” Redhead, Theresa Edwards aka “Coolie”, Jean Edwards, and Sandra and Carla Edwards, Uncle of many including: Oswald Edwards and Joy Francis, Augustus Edwards in Trinidad
Many cousins, other relatives and close friends including: Catherine Joseph, Matonia Monroe, Debbie Alexander and family, Erma Rush Duncan, Elvin Rush, Cupid Duncan, Pompey family in the UK, Patricia Thorne, Suzie and Agatha Alexander, Andy Joseph, Romney family, Ennis Augustine and family, Francis and Edwards family, Josephine Jones and family, Staff of the Hillsview Home, Geriatric Care givers, friends and neighbours of Dr. Bell, Central Gouyave Estate, Mongo Road and surrounding areas
Funeral service on Wednesday 9th August, 2023 at 12:30 pm at the Gouyave Anglican Church and Interment at the Dougaldston Cemetery