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Yvonne Carol Jones

Yvonne Carol Jones of Soubise, St. Andrew - The Owner of M&C Jones Mini Supermarket located on Sendall Street, Grenville. St. Andrew, passed away on Wednesday 5th September, 2024 at the age of 63

Mother of: Vakisha Jones and Neil Flemming, Grand mother of: Kataleya

Sister of: Eric in Trinidad, Bridget in England, Kenny in the USA and Myntrude in Grenada, Aunt of many including: Alice, Cutis, Betty, Nicolas, Lias, Sharlin, Hermi, Kenny, Alex, Desima, Pixi and Bena

Many other relatives and close friends including: Elizabeth, Veronica, Shirley, De Gale family, Staff of M & C Jones, Her in Laws: Roseline, Anora, Kester, Christopher and Linda

Funeral service on Tuesday 24th September, 2024 at 1:00 pm at the Grenville New Testament Church of God, Entombment at the Family Cemetery Battle Hill