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Mary Veronica Charles also known as “Melda”

Mary Veronica Charles also known as “Melda” of Florida, St. John, passed away on Monday 3rd March, 2025 at the age of 74

She was the mother of: Jennifer, Ann Marie and Curlyn, Adopted mother of: Dwight Joseph and Herra Gay, Grandmother of: Akiva, Tiffany, Anicka, Tristan and Anitta,

Aunt of: Calvin, Ervin, Irma, Celia, Kelvin, Trevor, Karen and Glen in the UK, Jillian in Canada, Althea & Denise in the USA, Gloria, Corine, Smarty, Nickson and Wilo, Sister in law of: Muriel and Catherine Charles and Lloyd Matthew, Caretaker: Veronica Vero Charles

Other relatives and friends including: The Chance, Lorainey and Lewis families, the Grant family of Victoria, the Charles family, the Burris family in the USA and Trinidad, Priest and Parishioners of St. Joseph R C Chapel Florida, neighbours and friends of Florida, Mt. Nesbit and surrounding areas

Funeral service on: Friday 28th March, 2025 at 1:00pm at the St. Peter’s Catholic Church, Gouyave, St. John and interment at the Dougaldston Cemetery

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