Thrina Tracey Lewis
Thrina Tracey Lewis of Ford, St. Andrew, passed away on Sunday 22nd December, 2024 in New York at the age of 36
She was the mother of: Talia in the USA, Daughter of: Julian and Velma Lewis in the USA
Sister of: Neron in the USA, Ammika and Jillian in the UK, Donnelle in the USA and Osborne in G’da, Sister in law of: Carol and Annette in the USA, Edward and Carl in the UK, Aunt of: Adelina, Kolten, Arabella, Orjay, Jeremiah, Jaheim and Jada
Niece of: Londa, Cynthia, Susan, Norris, CheryAnn, Hazel, Marcia, Peter, Leslie, Francis, Jerry and Desmond, Grandniece of: Albie, Rebecca, Roland and Dixon
Other close relatives and friends including: Manny, Wilbur, Annette, Madonna, Monica, Claudia, Gentle, Audrey, Fitzroy, Samantha, Rishma, Rockel, Barbara, Andrea, the Lalgie and Jogie family, Management and staff of ACE/Bryden and Minors, friends and neighbours of Ford, St. Andrew
Funeral Service on Wednesday 22nd January, 2025 at 1:00 pm at the Grenville R C Church, St. Andrew and interment at the Grand Bras Cemetery
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