Cynthia Ramjohn also known as “Cinty”
Cynthia Ramjohn also known as “Cinty” of Duquesne, St. Mark who resided in the USA, passed away on Sunday 5th January, 2025 at the age of 79
She was the mother of: David Ramjohn and Judy Martin in the USA, Sherry- Ann Ramjohn-Johnson and Samantha Alexander, Grandmother of: Natalie, Michelle, Dave and Che Ramjohn Christopher Martin, Rhea and Josh Ramjohn, Seth Johnson and Hannah Alexander, Great grandmother of 4 including: Christian and Machai Ramjohn
Sister of: Melize and Mariah Ramjohn, Aunt of many including: Emma and Charles Ramjohn and Cecelia Moses- Johnson, Mother in law of: Cassandra Ramjohn and Ronald Martin in the USA, Keith Johnson and Clive Alexander, Sister in law of: Ruth Bhola in the UK
Other relatives and close friends including: Linus Young, Audrey Wildman, Marion Thornhill, Terry Clarke, the Ramjohn, DeAllie, Downes, Bhola, Narayan, Coard and Slinger families, neighbours and friends of Duquesne, Diego Piece, Fountain, Morne Jaloux and surrounding areas
Funeral Service on Monday 27th January, 2025 at 1:00 pm at the Sauteurs Anglican Church, St. Patrick according to Holiness rites and interment at the Marli Cemetery